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VersaTiles Installation Guide

This guide outlines various methods to install VersaTiles on your system:

Homebrew for MacOS

To install VersaTiles using Homebrew, execute the following commands in your terminal:

brew tap versatiles-org/versatiles
brew install versatiles

If you want to upgrade to the newest version of versatiles, run:

brew update
brew upgrade versatiles

Downloading the binary

For every new release, we provide pre-compiled binaries for various operating systems and architectures. You can download the latest binary from the following link:

Latest Release on GitHub

Building from source

To build VersaTiles from source, you'll need to have Rust and Cargo installed on your system. If you don't have them, you can install them here.

After installing Rust and Cargo, run the following command:

cargo install versatiles --all-features

Released under Unlicense