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The VersaTiles frontend

The server only provides vector tiles. But you need more to have an interactive web map. You also need:

  • A JavaScript library like MapLibre GL JS, that will handle loading, drawing and user interactions.
  • Styles that define, how the vector tiles should be drawn.
  • Fonts and symbols for labels and markers on the map.

To make it easier for you we prepared and bundled everything in a compact package that is ready to use.

Download the frontend

We release the frontend as a TAR file here. The package contains all the files but pre-compressed with Brotli so that the server can provide the compressed files with minimal CPU load.

To download it just run:

wget ""

How is it build?

We maintain the frontend in the repo: versatiles-frontend. A GitHub workflow triggers the build script. It then bundles:

To make it even easier we precompressed all files inside the TAR with brotli. That's why the package has the unusual file extension .br.tar. Changing the order to would be wrong because the TAR container itself is not compressed.

Released under Unlicense