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How to run a VersaTiles service in Google Cloud Run?

1. Create a Google Bucket

See also the Google documentation: Create buckets.

2. Upload the VersaTiles planet to your bucket

See also the How to transfer the VersaTiles planet to Google Cloud Storage.

3. Create a Git Repo with a Dockerfile

  • Create an empty Git repository.
  • Add a file with the filename "Dockerfile" with the following content:
# Use the latest docker image of VersaTiles including the frontend.
FROM versatiles/versatiles-frontend:latest-alpine

# Expose necessary port.

# Start the VersaTiles server with the following parameters:
#   -p $PORT: Set the port
#   -s serve the frontend as static content, if you like
#   "[osm]https://..." is the url of the VersaTiles container
#      - enter the correct url of the file in your Google Bucket
#      - make sure, this file is publicly accessible
#      - "[osm]" sets the name of the tile source
#      - you can append more entries if you want to host multiple tile sources
CMD versatiles serve \
    -p $PORT \
    -s \
  • Don't forget to update the last line of Dockerfile to point to your Google Bucket
  • Commit and push the new "Dockerfile"

4. Create a Google Cloud Run Service

  • Go to Google Cloud Run
  • Create a new service
    • Select "Continuously deploy new revisions from a source repository".
    • Click on "SET UP CLOUD BUILD". A Popup appears:
      • "Source repository": Select you repository containing the Dockerfile. If you can't find your repository you have to "Manage connected repositories". Click "NEXT".
      • "Branch" is "^main$", for "Build type" select "Dockerfile". Click "SAVE".
    • Now you can choose "Service name" and "Region"
    • "Allow direct access to your service from the Internet"
    • For "Authentication" select "Allow unauthenticated invocations".
    • When finished click button "CREATE".
  • Check if the service is running correctly: Open the link in "Service details" (something like: https://*** You should see an interactive map.

4. Add a load balancer

  • Add a domain/subdomain, point it to an IP. (better: IPv4+IPv6)
  • Use these IPs as frontend for a load balancer.
  • Backend is a "serverless network endpoint group". Point it to your Cloud Run Service.
  • Activate the CDN in the backend.

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