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OSM Shortbread Vector Tiles

Example of SOM Shortbread

A set of general purpose vector tiles based on OpenStreetMap data using the Shortbread Scheme.


There are several ready-made Public Domain styles available.

License / Attribution


Example of Hillshade

A set of general purpose vector tiles for simulating a shaded relief. Based on Mapzen Jörð Terrain Tiles, inspired by Datawrapper


There is one layer called hillshade-vectors with a property shade:

  • light Light Shades
  • dark Dark Shades


  // ...
  "sources": {
    "versatiles-hillshade": {
      "tilejson": "3.0.0",
      "name": "Versatiles Hillshade Vectors",
      "description": "Versatiles Hillshade Vectors based on Mapzen Jörð Terrain Tiles",
      "attribution": "<a href=\"\">Mapzen Terrain Tiles, DEM Sources</a>",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}"],
      "type": "vector",
      "scheme": "xyz",
      "format": "pbf",
      "bounds": [ -180, -85.0511287798066, 180, 85.0511287798066 ],
      "minzoom": 0,
      "maxzoom": 12,
      "vector_layers":[{ "id": "hillshade-vectors", "fields": { "shade": "String" }, "minzoom": 0 ,"maxzoom": 12 }]
  "layers": [
      "id": "hillshade-light",
      "type": "fill",
      "source-layer": "hillshade-vectors",
      "source": "versatiles-hillshade",
      "filter": [ "all", ["==", "shade", "light"] ],
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#ffffff",
        "fill-opacity": 1,
        "fill-opacity": { "stops": [[0, 0], [4, 0.2]] },
        "fill-antialias": true,
        "fill-outline-color": "#ffffff00"
      "id": "hillshade-dark",
      "type": "fill",
      "source-layer": "hillshade-vectors",
      "source": "versatiles-hillshade",
      "filter": [ "all", ["==", "shade", "dark"] ],
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#000000",
        "fill-opacity": 1,
        "fill-opacity": { "stops": [[0, 0], [4, 0.05]] },
        "fill-antialias": true,
        "fill-outline-color": "#00000000"

License / Attribution


Example of Landcover

A set of vector tiles based on ESA Worldcover raster. They are used to complement OSM tiles on lower zoom levels.


There is one layer called landcover-vectors with a property kind:

  • bare Bare / sparse vegetation
  • builtup Built-up
  • cropland Cropland
  • grassland Grassland
  • mangroves Mangroves
  • moss Moss and lichen
  • shrubland Shrubland
  • snow Snow and ice
  • treecover Tree cover
  • water Permanent water bodies
  • wetland Herbaeceous wetland


  // ...
  "sources": {
    "versatiles-landcover": {
      "tilejson": "3.0.0",
      "name": "Versatiles Landcover Vectors",
      "description": "Versatiles Hillshade Vectors based on ESA Worldcover 2021",
      "attribution": "<a href=\"\">© ESA WorldCover project 2021 / Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2021)</a>",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}"],
      "type": "vector",
      "scheme": "xyz",
      "format": "pbf",
      "bounds": [ -180, -85.0511287798066, 180, 85.0511287798066 ],
      "minzoom": 0,
      "maxzoom": 8,
      "vector_layers":[{ "id": "landcover-vectors", "fields": { "kind": "String" }, "minzoom": 0 ,"maxzoom": 12 }]
  "layers": [
      "id": "landcover-bare",
      "type": "fill",
      "source-layer": "landcover-vectors",
      "source": "versatiles-landcover",
      "filter": [ "all", ["==", "kind", "bare"] ],
      "paint": {
        "fill-color": "#FAFAED",
        "fill-opacity": { "stops": [[0, 0.2], [10, 0.2], [11, 0]] },
        "fill-antialias": true,
        "fill-outline-color": "#ffffff00"
    // ...

License / Attribution



Example of Bathymetry

A set of vector tiles based on Bathymetry Shapefiles from OpenDEM


There is one layer called bathymetry with a property mindepth with values

0-5100, 500, 2000, 6000, 8000
6-950, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000
1025, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, 8500, 9000, 9500


  // ...
  "sources": {
    "bathymetry-gebco-opendem": {
      "tilejson": "3.0.0",
      "name": "OpenDEM GEBCO Bathymetry",
      "description": "Bathymetry Vectors based on GEBCO 2021 derived contour polys provided by OpenDEM",
      "attribution": "Derived product from the <a href=\"\">GEBCO 2019 Grid</a>, made with <a href=\"\">NaturalEarth</a> by <a href=\"\">OpenDEM</a>",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "tiles": ["{z}/{x}/{y}"],
      "type": "vector",
      "scheme": "xyz",
      "format": "pbf",
      "bounds": [ -180, -85.0511287798066, 180, 85.0511287798066 ],
      "minzoom": 0,
      "maxzoom": 10,
      "vector_layers":[{ "id": "bathymetry", "fields": { "mindepth": "Number" }, "minzoom": 0 ,"maxzoom": 10 }]
  "layers": [
      "id": "bathymetry-gebco-opendem",
      "type": "fill",
      "source": "bathymetry-gebco-opendem",
      "source-layer": "bathymetry",
      "layout": {
        "visibility": "visible"
      "paint": {
        "fill-opacity": 1,
        "fill-antialias": false,
        "fill-color": ["case",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -25], "#0084bd",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -50], "#0181ba",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -100], "#017fb6",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -200], "#027cb3",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -250], "#0279af",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -500], "#0276ac",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -750], "#0374a8",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -1000], "#0371a5",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -1250], "#036ea1",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -1500], "#036c9e",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -1750], "#03699b",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -2000], "#036797",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -2500], "#036494",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -3000], "#036191",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -3500], "#035f8d",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -4000], "#035c8a",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -4500], "#035a87",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -5000], "#025783",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -5500], "#025580",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -6000], "#02527d",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -6500], "#025079",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -7000], "#014d76",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -7500], "#014b73",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -8000], "#014870",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -8500], "#01466c",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -9000], "#004369",
          ["==", ["get", "mindepth"], -9500], "#004166",

License / Attribution

Released under Unlicense